Friday, December 21, 2012

Zinnia Fatima One Day Old Berths On The Internet

Zinnia Fatima Meets Her Malang Grand Pa First Time

Zinnia Fatima One Day Old Shot By Marziya

Nerjis Asif Shakir Shot by Zinnia Fatima 14 month old

The Canon Users In My Family Nerjis And Zinnia

The Canon Users In My Family Nerjis And Zinnia

Zinnia Fatima 14 month old shoots her dad

Minaz Khan Shot By Zinnia Fatima 14 month old

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Zinnia Fatima

Zinnia Fatima

Zinnia Fatima

Zinnia Fatima

Zinnia Fatima

Zinnia Fatima

Zinnia Fatima

Zinnia Fatima

Zinnia Fatima

Zinnia Fatima

Zinnia Fatima

Zinnia Fatima

Zinnia Fatima

Zinnia Fatima My Third Grand Child

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Zinnia Fatima My Third Grand Child

Love Is Helping You Love The Most

The Shakir Sisters

The Shakir Sisters

Zinnia Fatima

The Shakir Sisters

The Shakir Sisters

The Shakir Sisters

The Photographer Shakir

God Was Generous To Our Family With His Camera Eye

Zinnia Fatima Shoots ..Photographers Are Born Not Made

The Third Photographer In My Family .. Zinnia Fatima 1 Year Old

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At birth she was called Zaira Saif Shakir, than her father Saif Shakir changed her name to Zinnia Fatima,,I kept her away from the real camera , wife does not one want anymore photographers running berserk in the house.

And because Zinnia who has watches us shoot , picked up the toy camera without any instructions from us began pretending to shoot pictures and I moved in fast and tried to get a shot of her on the Canon 7D..

I took some more shots but I like this the most because of her childs devotion to a holistic healing tool in our house The Canon Camera.

I have yet to give the real one in her hand.. and I am seeing my grand daughters today after two days , I was occupied with some work..and when I left early morning and returned late evening they would be asleep.